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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere..
  • The submission file is in open Microsoft Word.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The manuscript is written according to the publication guidelines of the journal and can be accessed at دليل المؤلِّف

Author Guidelines

Instruction for publish in Basrah Journal of Date Palm Research

Basrah Journal of Date Palm Research is Scientific journal semi-annual issued by Date Palm Research Centre University of Basrah, publish original articles interested in all fields related to date palm. The article sent should be original and no part of it has been published before or is being considered for the publication in any other journal.

Instructions for writing the manuscript:

The manuscript is written using Microsoft Word, and the page size is A4. Leaving 2.5 cm margins for all sides. The line spacing is 1.5. A font size 12 points (New Time Roman). The first page contains manuscript title, author(s) names and affiliation, abstract and keywords, the manuscript should not exceed 20 pages.

The manuscript consists of the following paragraphs:

  1. Title: It should be short and expressive of the content of the manuscript, preferably printed in bold letters. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word. The names and affiliation of the researchers should be clearly listed under the title. The e-mail of corresponding author should be mentioned.
  2. Abstract: should be concise, clear and include an objective description of the contents and the major significant findings of the article. Abstract should be in one paragraph and structured (aim, methods, results and conclusion). Five Key words relating to the concerned subject should be given in alphabetical order separated by comma.
  3. Introduction: Should reflect a brief background and development of the research subject and ends with research aims.
  4. Materials and methods: It should contain details of the materials and method has been used, statistical analysis and the references used.
  5. Results and discussion: The author chooses between being built-in or separate, and showing the tables, figures and images within the first available site after mentioning it with its number in the text. The results should be discussed using relevant references and preferably modern. Tables should be created from the Insert category and not a table chart and do not contain any shading. Images and shapes must be clear and high resolution and sent in separate files if requested by the editorial board.
  6. References:
  • In text

The APA style is used to write citations in the text or to references list. The reference in the text is written by mentioning the surname of the author and the year of publication between two brackets.  For example Smith (2018) or (Smith, 2018) in single author case, Smith and Walter (2018) or (Smith and Walter, 2018) in the two authors case and in case of three authors or more writes Smith et al. (2018) or (Smith et al., 2018). If more than one reference is mentioned in a single position, a semicolon shall be drawn among the references and arranged in ascending order according to the year of publication.

  • In references list: As examples in followed table.

Reference type

Number of authors

In text

In references list

Article in journal

One author

Abbas (2018)

(Abbas, 2018)

Abbas, K.F. (2018). The alleviation activity of selenium against cadmium phytotoxicity in date palm Phoenix dactylifera L. Basrah J. of Date palm Research. Vol. (17), (1-2): 1-15.

Two authors

Carol and Dolan (2006)

(Carol and Dolan, 2006)

Carol R.J. and Dolan L. (2006).The role of reactive oxygen species in cell growth: lessons from root hairs. J. Exp. Bot. 57(8): 1829-1834.

Three authors or more

Abass et al. (2018)

(Abass et al., 2018)

Abass, M.H., Namea, J.D. and Al-Jabary, K.M.A.  (2018). Cadmium and lead- induced genotoxicity in date palm Phoenix dactylifera L. Basrah J. of Date palm Research. Vol. (17), (1-2): 16-34.






Adriano (2001)

Adriano, D.C. (2001). Trace Elements in Terrestrial Environments: Biochemistry, Bioavailability and Risks of Metals. Springer-Verlag: New York, NY, USA. 867 pp.



Boudreaux (2012)

Boudreaux K.A. (2012). Carbohydrtaes. In: Searger S.L. and Slabaugh M.R. (eds). Organic and biochemistry for today, 8th Edi. Cengage Learning, pp:200-238.

  • The names of the scientific journals can be mentioned in short, but the abbreviation adopted by the journal or the specialized websites, journals which have no abbreviated should be written full name, "DOI (Digital Object Identifier) should be mentioned if available.".
  • Reference from the internet site need to write the detailed address that opens the page of the reference directly and not the general page of the site, indicating the name of the author and the name of the article and write the date of retrieval of information.


Submit manuscript directly to the editorial board at the Date Palm Research centre by submitting three printed copies of the manuscript, one containing the names and affiliation of the authors and a CD containing the manuscript in Microsoft Word format.


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